
Supporting the emergence of multi-stakeholder voluntary commitments for biodiversity conservation (FR)

From communities to policies - Senegal

Autonomous dissemination in Vietnam

Land issues in Senegal: a different vision of the relationship to land (FR)

Interview of Patrick D‘aquino (FR)

Interview of Camille Richebourg (FR)

Interview of El Hadj Faye (FR)

Interview of Jérémy Bourgoin (FR)

Interview of Marame Ba (FR)
Scientific articles
The ComMod charterSelf-Cormas experience in SenegalTerriStories nationwide process in Senegal (FR)Participatory GISImpacts fifteen years laterLocal knowledgeCollective actionAgricultural innovation systemsResilience and adaptability (FR)Natural resource managementMore scientific papersThe limits of participation (FR)Beyond ‘participation’GIS Self-design (FR)A novel mediating participatory modellingUncertainty: the needs for new forms of institutions and regulationTowards a pluralism of regulatory systems for management of land (FR)Rethinking our relationships to land (FR)Pluralism of regulation in the Sahel (FR)A framework for plurality unpackingLand policies for climate change adaptation: a gameEmpowering farmers for innovationDisrupt our ways of managing resourcesAnother way to manage land tenure (FR)The bottom-up changes theory (FR)A global strategy to strengthen a social dynamic (FR)A generic method for scaling-up and scaling out (FR)Driving, not participating (FR)Mobilization against land grabbing (FR)In Senegal, the birth of a hybrid collective action (FR)Senegal: supporting the existing dynamic (FR)The self-design principleA nationwide applying of self-design (FR)Long-term impactsActor’s knowledge before expert’s one (FR)The participation challenge: respecting other views about the world (FR)How to preserve a multiplicity of points of view? (FR)Still ongoing impacts on policy in Senegal (FR)Thinking differently the human relationships with space and territory (FR)
Non-scientific articles
The Sahel scenario (FR)Nationwide momentumsFuelling public policiesMediation between a Park and peripheral villagers (FR)Land uses rules (FR)Autonomous and lively brainstorming workshops (FR)Nationwide impacts (FR)A nationwide application in Senegal (FR)Senegal: pursuit of claims (FR)Participatory design, monitoring and evaluationInclusive agribusiness and large-scale investments (FR)Local land and natural resources management (FR)Hydraulic infrastructuresImprovement of participatory approachesInclusive land tenure reform (FR)Territorial planning (FR)Improvement of participatory approaches (FR)Involve citizens in the design of public policies (FR)Change the way we think about land policy (FR)Managing ‘external’ knowledge (FR)A shift in programing interventionsConditions of use (FR)User charter (FR)Training process (FR)